Is Climate change really an issue?

Today, we are living in technologically the most advanced period of human existence. With the developments made in technology in the past several decades, human life has become much convenient and easier. On the contrary, many researchers and scientists unanimously believe that this is the worst period for living as far as the physical environment is considered because the climate is changing at a very rapid pace.

What is Climate Change

Most of the time we limit ourselves to pollution when we think or talk about Climate Change. But its much more than this. When we say ‘Climate Change’, then we are talking about the global climate which includes the sun, oceans, mountains, wind, rain and snow, forests and deserts altogether. And when there is a change in any of the above-mentioned things then it's known as Climate Change.
The whole universe is based upon the idea of equilibrium. Whenever there is any form of a shift in the equilibrium, the universe will try to achieve that equilibrium again and the natural disasters that we see happening all around the world are a part of this achieving the equilibrium.
Now, the question comes who disturbed this equilibrium? The answer is very simple and we all know it- it’s the greed and want of the humans for over some time. The human activities like deforestation, illegal constructions, water pollution have resulted in agitating and disturbing the equilibrium and eventually the climate change.

Causes of Climate Change

Scientists all across the globe recognized climate change in the mid 20th century and since then many studies and researches have been done to identify and discover the reasons for climate change.
A study by NASA found that global warming is caused when the heat is trapped in the troposphere. Several gases act as a long sheet that traps the heat and thus not letting the heat escaping from the atmosphere. Ain’t you curious to know about the gases which are trapping the heat? Check the list below
Carbon Dioxide
Water Vapours
Nitrous Oxide
These gases are collectively known as greenhouse gases. And because of these gases heat energy comes into the atmosphere. And as we all know energy can neither be created nor it is destroyed, it can only be transferred from one form to another. So, this heat energy is transferred to glaciers, mountains, oceans and result in melting of snow, rise in ocean levels, more powerful storms and cyclones in some particular regions.

The recent floods of China, the horrible fire of Amazon and California forests, rise in the level of pollution all over the world are a collective result of climate change.

The Most Vulnerable

With the significant amount of pollution all over the globe, the children and the elders sufferer the most because of pollution. A study shows that many children today get bronchialis at a very young age because of the pollution. Similarly, the elders are also quite vulnerable because of weak organs and thus develop breathing problems.

Birds and animals are equal part of the ecological environment but are given the least priority. The destruction of forests has led them to leave their natural habitat and with the rise in the pollution levels, many bird species have gone extinct and several are on the verge of extinction.
Air pollution is perhaps the kind of pollution with which we deal daily and have first-hand encounters. The technology has given us a slight relief in the form of air purifiers. Air purifiers filter the air and give fresh air to breathe. They can be used in public and private places both. The Chinese government has installed many big purifiers in public places which is a very praiseworthy initiative keeping in mind the level of pollution in China.

You can also have air purifiers at your home. But they are often a bit expensive. Many deals can be seen during After Christmas Sale


Dr. Talaas said, “The only solution is to get rid of fossil fuels in power production, industry, and
transportation”, but unfortunately humans have become so rigid and mean that we don’t even want to
conserve and protect those resources on which we are dependent for our survival.
We must ask a question to ourselves that what are we going to give the coming generations, an
environment where they would be able to live normally or an environment where they would require to
carry an oxygen cylinder with them. Now is the time to act.
So don’t just sitback, think critically that is climate change really an issue?