Stages which users go through that you can use for your content

It is crucial to understand the stages viewers go through before they transform into loyal customers of your business. And that phenomenon is known as the customer lifecycle. The five stages of the lifecycle include the awareness stage, where the targeted audience has no awareness regarding the problem they are facing and what your business has to offer. Next comes the solution stage where the targeted audience acknowledge their issue and look for ways to resolve it. The third stage is when the comparison starts, although they are not keen to resolve it immediately but they consider the option they have. The fourth stage is the decision stage where the user makes the crucial decision about which product or service is going to meet their requirements. Lastly, there’s the retention stage where a random viewer turns into a customer.
Now that you have a brief idea of what stages there are, here’s an in-depth information on how you can implement this information for your content formation.

Stage one: Awareness

Viewers make searches on this stage and expect it to be informational. The targeted user aims to meet a business that is going to provide information regarding their queries. And this is the stage where keywords come into action. As a Wikipedia page creation, you must have known the importance of keywords and how they impact search engines. This is exactly why they are a must for optimized content present on online platforms.
The viewer isn’t going to directly come to the business for assistance but there’s a great possibility that they might end up at your doorstep, only when your content ranks high on search engines and that can be done by incorporating the right keywords in your content that can be searched through manual searches.

Stage two: Solution 

In this phase, the viewer is going to use niche words. In hopes to find relevant answers regarding their concerns. They are most likely to gain more information on the issue they might be facing and seek help for. This stage is going to allow them to look into the options they have to help themselves with, whether it’s a product or services.
Stage three: Comparison
In this stage, the customer is going to compare the solutions they have been provided with. This stage is partly commercial, the audience tends to evaluate the features and functionalities they can receive from each option. It all comes down to the benefits they get to gain from the solutions. This emphasizes on the fact that, your content should transfer all the potential the business has towards the constituents within the content. The more comprehensive and relevant it is the better the understanding is going to be for the audience.
Enabling them to incline towards you than what others have to offer. Not only that, applicable solutions in the content are going to prove the brand's credibility and allow the viewer to feel more connected with your services or product. Which is eventually going to lead to an increased conversion and consumer rate.

Stage four: Decision 

In this stage, the viewer is going to look into the budget factor. In manner to satisfy the user, you must add keywords that seem fit to convince a viewer to make a purchase. Apart from that, you will require well-structured site landing pages that are going to fill queries. It is important to give complete information along with features through content.
The audience is more likely to get attracted to solutions that are cost effective and offer the most advantages with little effort. Therefore, keep in mind to add human like factors in your content to form a bond with the user; this will influence them to choose you over others.

Stage five: Retention 

In this stage of retention, the customer is going to have enough information to finally choose a side. They are most likely to look for user guides. It is going to be the last stage where they have all the information they require. This is where they become customers and are retained by the business through the help of content that was presented to the viewer.
You must plan your content based on these stages and the audience's search intent. Once you have the right keywords you will be able to gain customers and popularity.