The Complete Guide That Makes Improving Your Workplace Safety Simple

With a reported 2.7 million workplace injuries and accidents reported in 2020, ensuring that you're taking the necessary precautions to create a safe environment for your employees is essential.

Not only are injuries devastating for the employee, but they can be the downfall of your company. Staying on top of safety procedures can help keep you safe in case of a lawsuit or investigation. 

However, if you're unsure where to start when rethinking workplace safety, it may feel overwhelming. Luckily, you can continue reading to learn the best tips to help you improve your workplace.

Rethink How You Approach the Topic

Whether you're a small business owner or run a Fortune 500 company, safety should be an integral part of your workplace. Many make the mistake of saying they prioritize safety. Though it may sound like the same thing, ensuring safety is a standard practice can help your employees approach the subject in a new light.

Many companies make it seem like safety is something to be rewarded for. However, framing unsafe practices as something that will not be tolerated can emphasize the severity of the issue. 

Similarly, incorporating safety procedures into all aspects of business doesn't make it seem like a priority but standard practice. Creating a culture where safety is expected and set in stone can help prevent major injuries. 

Inform Employees

Once you have determined your new safety standards, you'll need to inform your employees. This is essential to ensuring that everyone in the company is on the same page.

It's unfair to employees to change the standards without informing them of the changes or reprimanding them for not following the new rules.

Holding a company meeting to cover the new changes helps ensure everyone knows the new standards. It also offers the opportunity for questions, concerns, and comments from employees. 

You may also consider appointing one employee to oversee and enforce proper safety standards. This gives your employees a central figure to approach with questions or concerns without asking multiple people who may not know the answer.

Any time there are changes made, employees should be informed as soon as possible, ideally before the changes are mandated. This gives workers ample time to prepare and adjust their habits.

Ensure Cleanliness

One of the most crucial ways to keep your workplace safe is to keep it clean. Whether you run an office building, warehouse, or manufacturing plant, cleanliness is vital to safety. 

Cleaning includes regularly dusting, sanitizing, and removing trash from your workplace. Failure to clean can result in health complications for your workers.

You should also install air purifiers. These remove toxins and allergens from the air, ensuring your employees breathe easily.

Similarly, you can look into a more advanced Climeworks DAC unit, which helps remove CO2s from your workplace. This helps combat climate change, making two positive impacts. 

Similarly, regularly inspecting for damp areas can help prevent mold growth. Inhaling this fungus can have serious health complications, so ensuring you take care of moisture will save you time and money.

On manual labor jobs, you'll need to ensure that your area is clean to prevent slips, trips, and other injuries caused by a lack of cleanliness. Employees should clean up after themselves to help keep each other safe. 

Provide Proper Training

You'll also need to ensure that you're employees receive the proper training. Though this seems like a given, you'd be surprised to learn how many companies cut corners when training to get new employees working. 

New hires should be brought up to speed about all workplace safety protocols. Veteran workers should also complete any mandated training if they haven't already.

Though it may seem counterintuitive to waste time training employees. However, providing thorough courses and classes will ensure that you keep your workers safe. This also prevents employees from getting hurt and having to take time off.

You may also want to centralize all safety protocols so employees can reference them at a later date. You can create outlines of the most significant takeaways from each course and training session. Giving them to workers can keep them fresh when it comes to procedures. 

Ensure the Right Equipment

You'll also need to ensure that your employees have the necessary and correct equipment necessary to complete jobs safely.  

To save money, some companies will buy equipment that isn't exactly what the employees need to complete their job. This makes it difficult for workers to get the job done and thus decreases workplace morale. Also, using incorrect equipment can lead to injuries.

Ensuring your employees have the right tools to work is crucial. You'll also need to keep up with maintenance and repairs on any machinery, as failure to do so can lead to severe injuries.

Regularly inspecting equipment can help identify any issues with machinery. Even if it doesn't seem to impact the performance, fixing the problem can help prevent accidents.

Mandated Breaks

One of the best ways to boost workplace morale is to ensure that your employees take the correct number of breaks. 

Not only is it illegal to prevent workers from taking breaks, but it can impact their quality of work. Employees barred from taking breaks may find they're too tired to perform at their best.

This is negative for business for two reasons. The quality of the job done by an overworked individual is much lower than those given proper time to rest. Also, a worker who isn't given the right time to take a break is much more likely to miss steps due to fatigue, leading to injuries and accidents.

Similarly, if you don't give employees a chance to rest, they may grow resentful. This leads to a failure to adhere to workplace standards, and the quality of work will suffer. 

Use Clear Labels

No matter what your business is, ensuring that areas of your workplace are labeled properly labeled is crucial. Not only will this help prevent accidents and injuries, but it can help clear you of any wrongdoing in the event an employee mishandles or improperly uses equipment or products. 

This includes using clear signage to indicate what objects are located where, how to handle them, and any danger that can come from using the item.

Labels are a cheap and easy way to ensure that you can keep your workers safe. In many instances, you'll find that a simple image, such as a lightning bolt to symbolize electricity or a prohibition symbol can keep employees away from specific areas. 

Take Care of Issues Promptly

If a problem is brought to your attention, avoid pushing it to the back burner to be dealt with later. Letting unsafe practices continue makes it seem like safety is something that can be ignored or disregarded.

Handling any safety issues, whether it be an employee disregarding protocol or broken equipment, shows that safety is never something that can be pushed off.

Reprimanding employees who break safety standards is crucial, as it sets an example. You may also want to implement a "no strikes" system when someone blatantly disregards protocol. Though it seems harsh, this can set the culture that those who engage in dangerous activity will not be tolerated.

Encourage Communication

Finally, you'll want to create a workplace where employees feel comfortable approaching you with any issues or concerns they may have. 

Business ownership can be tricky to navigate as you set the standards and rules. However, building an environment where employees feel safe and listened to when they see them is essential.

This show that you're a good owner and guarantees that your employees will speak up to help prevent instances. 

Similarly, management should not punish employees who voice safety concerns. When it comes to avoiding workplace accidents, everyone should be encouraged to speak up if they see something unsafe.

Employees should also feel safe to report any issues, no matter how small they may seem. Even minor cuts, bruises, and scrapes should be documented. Though it may seem silly, this emphasizes how essential reporting is.

How To Ensure Workplace Safety

A safe workplace is a happy workplace. You'll experience less turnover because workers feel valued, knowing their safety is a major concern of the company.

Remember, smart management, business growth, and workplace safety all go hand in hand. Proper procedure should never be sacrificed!

If you're ready to change how your business approaches safety, you'll want to check out the rest of our website. You can discover additional business topics to help your company succeed.