5 Walking Cane Buying Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Did you know that in the United States, there are 58.5 million people who have arthritis?

Canes have been around for a long time and offer a lot of help around the house and when heading outside. But finding the right one can be a bit of a challenge. If you're looking to buy a walking cane, there are a few things you need to know first. 

Are you shopping for a cane and not sure where to begin? Keep reading to avoid walking cane buying mistakes.

1. Not Doing Your Research First

Be sure to do your research to avoid walking cane buying mistakes. Many unscrupulous dealers out there will try to sell you a fake or inferior product. Be sure to inspect the cane thoroughly before making your purchase and start comparing cane prices.

Ensure there are no cracks or splits in the wood and that the metal components are in good condition. Ask questions and get a feel for the cane before making your purchase. Walking canes can be a great addition to your mobility aids, but only if you purchase the right one.

2. Don’t Choose Based on Its Appearance

While an attractively designed cane can be appealing, it’s also important to consider other factors.

Additionally, some canes are designed with walking cane features, such as those with built-in seats or those intended for use on stairs. Make sure to select a cane appropriate for your needs to avoid any issues.

3. Too Heavy or Too Light

When looking for a walking cane, be sure to find one that is the right weight for you. A cane that is too heavy can be difficult to carry and can cause you to tire quickly. A cane that is too light can be easily knocked over and can also cause you to tire quickly.

Try several types of walking canes before you purchase one to find the perfect weight for you and to avoid walking cane buying mistakes.

4. Too Long or Too Short

If a walking cane is too long, it can cause you to trip. If it's too short, you'll have to stoop down to use it, which can cause back pain. To avoid these mistakes, measure your height and the distance from your wrist to the floor before you buy a walking cane. 

Be sure to select a cane with a comfortable grip, as you will be holding it for long periods. Be sure to choose a cane that is durable and easy to maintain. 

If you can't decide if you need a long or short walking cane, try using these adjustable aluminum walking canes. You or your family can adjust it to whatever size they prefer. 

5. Know How to Use It Properly

Walking canes come in many different styles and materials, so it's important to find one that is comfortable and easy to use. Not knowing how to use it properly can lead to injury or embarrassment.

To avoid this, ask the salesperson for help in choosing the right cane and learning how to use it. Be sure to try out different canes before making a purchase. 

Avoid Walking Cane Buying Mistakes

Make sure to try before you buy, choose the right height, and pick a style that best suits your needs. Avoid these walking cane buying mistakes if you're in the market for a new walking cane. With a bit of research, you can find the perfect walking cane.

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