Here's the Main Difference Between CBD and CBN

CBD has been taking the country by storm as a natural product used to support our bodies and minds in many different ways. Since its legalization in 2018, millions have discovered the benefits of CBD and have been using it regularly.

But CBD is one of many components that make up the cannabis plant. There are many types of cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant, many of which end up in CBD products.

One of the most popular, aside from CBD, is CBN. But what is the difference between CBD and CBN, and which should you look for when shopping around for natural, cannabis-derived products? Keep reading to learn all about CBD vs CBN below. 

What Is CBD?

CBD stands for Cannabidiol. It's the most abundant compound found in hemp plants. Hemp plants are the same as cannabis plants, except that it contains no THC, meaning it's legal to produce and sell across the US.

CBD is extracted from hemp plants. The most common types of CBD products include CBD oil, CBD tinctures, CBD edibles, and topical solutions. alcohol detox florida

CBD is not psychoactive at all, making it safe to consume without the risk of mental alterations. 

You can choose CBD isolate, which removes all of the other cannabinoids from the final product, leaving just CBD. Or, you can choose broad-spectrum CBD, which includes all of the other cannabinoids found in hemp.

Broad-spectrum is usually touted as more effective since all of these compounds working together produce something known as the entourage effect. 

Wondering which cannabinoid sell best? Here's a list of the most popular products to help you buy CBD for the first time. 

What Is CBN?

Unlike CBD, CBN is a mildly psychoactive compound found in cannabis. When THC is present in a cannabis plant, it ages and deteriorates into weaker compounds.

These weaker compounds are CBN or Cannabinol. Experts say that CBN is about one-fourth the strength of typical THC. Only in larger doses does it produce notable psychoactive effects. 

CBN hasn't been studied as much as CBN has. But many believe that CBN benefits are similar to CBD, helping with things such as sleep quality or pain. 

CBN products are more limited, but you can find them in oil form, tinctures, capsules, and vape pens. 

Difference Between CBD and CBN

Both CBD and CBD are naturally found in the cannabis plant. And they can help with many of the same issues as each other.

But CBD doesn't isn't psychoactive at all. You can consume it without fear of impacting your mental state. 

CBN, on the other hand, is mildly psychoactive. It's not nearly as potent as products containing THC, but in large enough doses, you may feel your mental state shift.

Find the Perfect Product for You

Now that you know the difference between CBD and CBN, you can determine which products will work best for you. Most people prefer to stick with the safe, easy-to-consume CBD products that are widely available.

If you decide to give CBN a try, always start with the smallest possible dose and adjust slowly, to see how your body and mind react.

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