Best features are here to serve you!

Our commercial-grade coolers and freezer are built to withstand the rigours of everyday operation. Because of the variety in their designs, they each offer a good amount of storage space. The upright or vertical refrigerators and chillers are the most efficient storage space. Because the fridges have adjustable shelves, they can be easily integrated with other culinary equipment and give a wide range of storage options.

Under-counter skope fridges and chillers are also available, in addition to the upright models.

The type of refrigerator door is another feature that sets many models apart. You can choose between glass, solid, or drawer-style doors. The amount of doors in each Skope model varies as well. The one or two-door chillers are available.

Technological Innovations at Skope

ActiveCore is a new technology in the Skope refrigerator line. The Active core technology's goal is to save as much energy as possible while also providing the highest possible levels of performance consistency, dependability, and efficiency. Almost all SKOPE's latest products, including their chillers and freezers, have ActiveCore. Thanks to this new technology, the chillers' cooling performance has been improved, and the airflow has been optimised.

The ActiveCore technology is expected to reduce energy expenditures dramatically. Energy expenses can be reduced up to 50% with ActiveCore's two-door chillers, compared with the previous generation of two-door models.

Products from skope are available in a variety of sizes. There are a variety of goods suited to businesses of all sizes.

Cold storage facilities for skopes

Glassdoor panels and shelves are standard features on SKOPE refrigeration units. All freezers are equipped with this type of technology. The products in the glass door inserts line are simple to use and install, and they may be opened from the left or the right side. Aside from that, SKOPE's door frame inserts and shelves are covered by a five-year guarantee.

The colour scheme for the professional kitchen isn't complete without the proper commercial equipment. Because of this, SKOPE offers a variety of hues in its goods. It comes in various shades, including white, black, and stainless steel.

Skope, on the other hand, offers product customisation. Specifically, we go a step beyond to ensure that our customers' fridges are perfectly tailored to their specific requirements.

Finally, Skope's food storage products now incorporate green guard protection. The evaporator coil's lifespan is extended by using the green guard protector. Evaporator coil failure decreases the equipment's life expectancy and performance speed. The product's lifespan will be shortened if it does not include green guard protection.

The Advantages of the Items:

As previously mentioned, these products have a slew of appealing qualities that make them excellent buys. The following are some advantages of owning these devices for industrial uses.

To begin, Skope Fridges and others provide convenience through remote control. Individuals can use refrigerator remotes to operate the appliance. This is a huge advantage. People don't need to manually open, close, alter the temperature, etc. To make life easier for them, they may rely on these gadgets.

It's also important to note that today's businesses are more likely to use "green" products because they are more efficient. They take steps for environmental protection and do their part to rescue the planet. Companies are increasingly deciding to use green technologies, according to recent surveys. These fridges are feasible items in today's society because of their energy-efficient mechanics.

Finally, these fridges have a lot of room to store your food. Wholesalers have the option of purchasing these products. Small-scale products, such as refrigerators, cannot be bought by a supermarket. A lot of room is needed for clients to choose from various options. Users can keep many food products in these fridges without cramming them into a single stack.

Finally, because of their characteristics, industrial-scale fridges are popular among businesses. These items have a lot going for them, so they're an excellent choice to consider now.