Aesol Aerosol meaning

Aesol is a baby boy name. The baby name Aesol can be given to both baby boys and girls. Here are a few more facts about Aesol:

Gender of the name Aesol : This means that Aesol has a different gender, being a boy vs a girl.

Origin of the name Aesol : More specific details below...

Name written as : Âèsôl

Language of origin for the meaning of the name Aesol . The origin should include language, region, or nationality if commonly used worldwide, but may also include other factors not listed above because they are related to why this naming is unique.

Examples of usage in categories similar to the one shown above (not a comprehensive list)

Font used to write the name Aesol : More about this detail below...

The meaning of a given name can vary depending on who is using it. If you are using a name with several meanings, the interpretation most common among users will appear first. This section includes free online resources which provide a long list of popular names at a glance, so they may be helpful by themselves, but they also might not be significant enough for a particular person to read through all of them completely. The colorful backgrounds and artistic fonts used in this website were created with one objective in mind: to create an easy way for everyone looking up a baby name to find information that is quick and easy to digest. That's why we include

Aesol Family History - Ancestry &


Aesol Baby Name Meaning

What does the name Aesol mean? Keep reading to find out.

Dictionary definitions of a word can be found on a variety of websites, and they are a great resource when you want a more complete description than what is given on this page. However, these sources may not always agree with each other. If you think a particular definition is incorrect, please let us know. 

"aesol" submitted meanings:

- a fresh breeze from the ocean

- he who comes from the aether 

- the bright one 

- son of eos 

"aesol" defined by

- a Greek name meaning "

Aesol - Character - World of Warcraft a

esol aesol aesol aesol aesol aesol aesol aesol aesold aeson aesson aethling 

the son of Eos and Cephalus, brother of Phaethon; by his mother's influence was raised to heaven by Zeus as an immortal 

AESOL (Greek: "bright one") 

a) The name was given by Hesiod (c.700 BC) to the youngest son of Hellen and Pandora and twin brother of Aegyptus. According to Hyginus (Poetic Astronomy ii.13), he ruled over Aethiopia, which according to Pausanias south-west of Meroë. 

b) In a later tradition, mentioned by Ovid (Metamorphoses ii.796 ff.), Aeolus was the son of Zeus and ALCMENE, a grandson of Deucalion, and father of six sons, Xuthus, Dorus, Graecus, Magnetes, AEolus himself, and Periboea. When Theseus carried off Helen, daughter of Pandion, AEolus assisted him with his fleet. 

c) Another tradition made AEolus a son of Poseidon and Larissa or Thetis. He dwelt on the island of Aeolia (now Lipari), where he kept a stormy wind in a cave to which he only opened a vent at intervals, to wreak a terrible vengeance on sailors; or he kept it shut till a ship was driven by a storm near the island, and then threw out a favourable wind. But Odysseus escaped his rage (see Aeolus). 

d) With Amphitrite AEOLUS had a son BRISEIS (q.v.). 

e) According to another tradition AEolus was a son of Hippotes. He dwelt on Mount AEtna in Sicily, which was sacred both to him and his wife Enarete. His seven sons were Sicelides, Catreus, Cyllaros, Hicetaon the father of Thoas, Athamas of Naxos

Aesol generic. Price of aesol. Uses, Dosage, Side effects a

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- a medication (trade name Aesol) used to prevent or treat seasickness 

From the Greek aeô, "to blow", and lópos, "a course". A wind medicine. AEOLUS, the god of the winds, gave Odysseus a leather sack containing all the winds, with which he could control them as he pleased. This word is also used for a kind of wine made in Chios from mastich trees.

This medication's trade name is Aesol. It is used to prevent or treat seasickness. The word aeô refers to the blowing of wind, and lópos  means a course. The word aesol describes a wind medicine.

(Old Testament) a young man of Judah, a descendant of Caleb, the son of Hezron and a great-grandson of Judah (1 Chronicles 2:18,19,46). In 1 Chronicles 4:16 he is called Azariah. From the Hebrew aetsâl "whom God helps" or otsal "founded by God". In Christian tradition Aethles was a priest at Jericho mentioned in the Gospel as having been healed by Jesus when his ears were opened after they had been stopped up so that he could not hear (). This name is also used for a figure who appears only to have been a collector of taxes from whom

Aesol drug & pharmaceuticals. Aesol available forms, doses  a

esol aesol aesol aesold aeson aesson aethling 

- a medication (trade name Aesol) used to prevent or treat seasickness

A drug used to help prevent sea sickness. The drug's trade name is Aesol. It is used to prevent or treat seasickness. This word is derived from the Greek word aeô, "to blow", and lópos, "a course". The word aesol describes a wind medicine.

A generic drug called Aesol is also known as Cinnarizine which exists as tablets and orally disintegrating tablets available in 5 mg doses for adults and 1 for children ages 2-12 . This drug is a calcium channel blocker which helps to prevent vomiting and dizziness by reducing the movement of the blood vessels in the brain. It can be taken with or without food. Side effects may include headache, drowsiness, diarrhea, constipation, and skin rash. Aesol is a brand name for cinnarizine, a medication used to prevent or treat seasickness. Cinnarizine is a calcium channel blocker which helps to prevent vomiting and dizziness by reducing the movement of the blood vessels in the brain. It can be taken with or without food. Side effects may include headache, drowsiness, diarrhea, constipation, and skin rash.

Athletes a young man of Judah who was healed by Jesus of Jericho. 

Aethles was a young man of Judah who was healed by Jesus when his ears were opened after they had been stopped up so that he could not hear (). This name is also used for a figure who appears only to have been a collector of taxes from whom nothing else is known. Aesol is a brand name for cinnarizine, a medication used to prevent or treat seasickness. Cinnarizine is a calcium channel blocker that helps to prevent vomiting and dizziness by reducing the movement of the blood vessels in the brain. It can be taken with or without food. Side effects may include headache, drowsiness, diarrhea, constipation, and skin rash.  Aesol is a medication (trade name Aesol) used to prevent or treat seasickness. The word aeô refers to the blowing of wind, and lópos means a course. The word aesol describes wind medicine. AEOLUS, the god of the winds, gave Odysseus a leather sack containing all the winds, with which he could control them as he pleased. This word is also used for a kind of wine made in Chios from mastich trees.

Aesol is a trade name for cinnarizine, a medication used to prevent or treat seasickness. Cinnarizine is a calcium channel blocker that helps to prevent vomiting and dizziness by