What is the Average Salary of A Teacher

In the United States, there are more than 3.6 million full-time teachers. These teachers work in elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools. They can be found in both the public and private education sectors. Teachers have the same goal. They want to instruct students in different subjects and help them apply the concepts they have learned. Although the goal is the same, their salaries can vary drastically from one state to the next.

The Disparity in US Teacher Salary

Teachers have as their primary goal to share knowledge with children and prepare them for a career or prepare them for college. If you talk to most teachers, they will say that they don't do it for the money. However, if you wonder how much money do teachers make, most would probably say not enough.

Teachers, like everyone else, have financial needs. Unfortunately, teachers often make less money than other people who have the same education level. Those working in some states can earn considerably less than those employed in other states. For example, a high school teacher in Massachusetts will earn $48,042 a year. In Mississippi, a high school teacher will make around $32,779.

When you look at the averages, you see that Massachusetts is 14.6 percent above the national average of $41,918 a year. When you look at salaries across the country, it becomes clear that only a handful of states pay teachers above the national average. These states include Kentucky, Nebraska, Maryland, New York, Washington, Nevada, Alaska, and Massachusetts.

Why Is There Disparity in Teacher Salaries?

According to the Education Degree, teachers' salaries depend on district size, school budgets, the teacher union, and the National Education Association. The disparity has little or nothing to do with the responsibilities and duties of teachers.

A teacher in Massachusetts will have the same responsibilities as a teacher in Mississippi. In both states, the schedule for teachers will be relatively the same. They will spend seven hours a day in the classroom from Monday to Friday. Teachers are responsible for meeting with parents and students after hours. And teachers must spend a lot of time, including weekends and evenings, making lesson plans and creating classroom activities.

In most places in the United States, schools are open ten months out of the year. Teachers, along with students, will enjoy eight weeks of summer vacation and weeks off during the winter and spring months. Schools that operate year-round will have nine weeks of work and three weeks of vacation between sessions.

Teachers who work in areas with lower pay often have to also contend with insufficient funding and resources for their classrooms and students. This leads to teachers spending out of pocket to cover student expenses.

Working in the education field is truly a labor of love. Teachers offer an invaluable service. Their work puts in place the building blocks for the future by educating children who will eventually take on essential responsibilities as adults.