How Harmful Can a Phillips CPAP Machine Be

Across the world, millions of people suffer from a condition known as sleep apnea. While a large number of these people will likely go through life without having any ill-effects from the condition, sleep apnea is very dangerous and can lead to death in some cases.

For this reason, doctors often prescribe what is known as a CPAP for these patients. CPAPs keep air flowing through these patients’ systems through the night and keep them safe from the effects of sleep apnea.

Unfortunately, one of the biggest CPAP manufacturers, Phillips, has recently come under fire for the finding that some of their devices may cause cancer.

If you have developed cancer as a result of using a Phillips CPAP machine, a dangerous device lawyer can help you today.

What are the Risks Associated with Phillips Devices?

In the Summer of 2021, Phillips recalled all of their devices that seemed to be leading to cancer in patients. These devices included:

·         BILevel CPAPs

·         Standard CPAPs

·         Specific Models of Mechanical Ventilators

Each of these machines contain a foam which is used to decrease the noise of the device. Sadly, it appears that this foam is breaking into tiny particles and entering patient’s airways, leading to the cancers now seen in these patients.

The specific cancers being diagnosed in patients who use these devices include:

·         Cancer of the respiratory system;

·         Liver, renal, and rectal cancer;

·         Other cancers.

But while cancer is one of the most devastating side effects associated with these Phillips devices, there are other issues being seen as well. These include dizziness, system-wide inflammation, and various other problems.

How Do I know If I Qualify for a Phillips Device Lawsuit?

There are essentially 3 different elements that qualify victims for compensation in these cases:

1.      No history of smoking.

2.      Diagnosis of cancer or other condition associated with these devices.

3.      Use of a Phillips device.

While this sounds like a straightforward process to bring a lawsuit against Phillips, these cases can be very difficult to navigate. One of the best things you can do to increase your chances of winning your lawsuit and receiving a larger settlement is to work with a defective device lawyer.

How Can a Defective Device Lawyer Help Me?

Lawyers who have worked with cases involving defective devices know exactly what to do to help their clients have a successful outcome. Not only will they ensure that you file the proper paperwork and see the right doctors; they will also make sure that you are covered for all of the expenses that have resulted from the use of the faulty device in question.

For example, you will likely have medical bills, lost wages from being off from work, and many other expenses. Without the help of an experienced attorney, it’s unlikely that you would be able to recoup these losses and get the money you deserve.

Defective device lawyers have worked with these types of cases before and are ready to help you today. Contact an attorney about your Phillips CPAP recall lawsuit today!