Bathroom Remodel – Mixing Different Tones of One Color


Bathroom Remodel

Bathrooms are meant to be a haven, where we can relax at the end of a long day. Two-colored retro bathrooms are popular, but nothing can really beat the coziness that a one-color bathroom offers. Regardless of the colors that you are using, it is serene and creates a spa-like feel. If you are looking to create a one-color bathroom in different tones, here are some pieces of advice that you may want to follow.

  1. Aim for a Monochromatic Effect

If you are going for one-color bathrooms, that’s exactly the way you should keep it. Once you decide on different tones of the same color, you should not try any other contrasting colors, as it may create an imbalance.

“Stick to one color family (varying tones of greens or blues, for example) rather than competing colors. This can create a cool monochromatic effect,” advises Sari Mina, an interior designer from Denver.

  1. Go for Contrast

If you do want to be a bit bolder, you can go for a little bit of contrast. For example, you can use contrasting tones for the bathroom cabinets and the walls or crown molding. Wood can easily be used as well, but make sure that it’s properly sealed and that you do not use it in the shower or bathtub area.

“Since wood tones are in the 'neutral' category, it is relatively easy to mix them and achieve a visually pleasing result. But when in doubt, go for contrast. Mixing a dark wood (like ebony) with light wood (like lime) will always look chic and intentional,” says Emily Davis, an interior designer from Tulsa.

  1. Go for Grounded, Bold Colors

Even if the colors are bold, that doesn’t mean they have to be loud. After all, the bathroom is a place where you go to relax, not to stress yourself even further. Earthly colors such as green can work heavenly in a bathroom, especially since people keep going for the forest vibes. Blue is also a great choice, as it is relaxing and reminds people of the waters and skies.

“Opt for tones that are bold; not loud. Think deep and moody jade green, for example, as opposed to a screaming fuchsia. I tend toward blues because they’re calming and passionate while grounded in nature,” says Sari Mina.

  1. Place the Tones at a Distance

When you are adding cabinets and elements to the bathroom, make sure to spread them evenly throughout your layout. Whether we are talking bathroom cabinets or elements of décor, you need to balance everything out so that the entire vibe does not become too heavy or too light and plain.

“Don’t place wood pieces that are similar in color near one another in the room,” says Saudah Saleem, interior designer. “Place various tones throughout the room to create balance, and this ensures that one side of the room doesn't appear ‘heavier’ than the other.”

  1. Add Patterns

When using different tones of color, the chances are that unless you are using heavily contrasting tones, it will all look bland – not to mention that it might look fairly out of place. To tie everything nicely together, you might want to add some patterns in the mix there as well.

To visually tie everything together, you might want to use some elements with patterns. For example, a laundry basket in a different tone of the same color, but featuring some intriguing patterns, would look great in the bathroom.

  1. Don’t Go Overboard with the Tones

You might think that since you are going with the same color, only different tones, you may use all the shades that you want. However, this is not really a good idea – and if you do this, it might end up looking cluttered.

Ideally, you should use only two tones or three at most. It will give your bathroom a certain balance, making the overall space feel cozier. If there are too many tones, it might end up feeling like there’s too much.

Bathrooms can look very calming, provided you mix the tones right. You can use different tones of the same color but remember to keep it simple – two or three tones maximum. Mix and match appropriately, and always keep balance in mind.

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