The Link Between Premature Ejaculation And Erectile Dysfunction

 Erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE) are closely linked issue, while which is exactly is the first to hit the sufferer is an ongoing debate. While the synopsis is; that both are linked and can be due to each other.

Erectile dysfunction is the name given to the condition where men are unable to attain the firmness required for penetration. Medically it is deemed to be an issue when around 50% of the time maintaining an erection becomes a trouble for the male. Around 1 million men in Australia are affected by ED.

Premature ejaculation is the name given to the early expulsion of semen. On an average around 25% men in Australia suffer from PE.

PE and ED are both closely linked to each other. In order to combat erectile dysfunction if a man focuses on the act than PE can interfere in the process and if he tries to prolong the expulsion the anxiety of prolonging can result in ED. As a result of which the whole experience of physical sex becomes stressful and leads to dis satisfaction and lowering of confidence and morale. The buildup of stress further deteriorates the issues.

Thus the first thing to combat in such a case is ED. Firmness and proper penetration will eventually result in timely ejaculation.

Methods to Combat The Issues

De-Stress and Relax

In case these issues crop up, the couple should talk it out and take in therapies to keep depression, anxiety and stress at bay. As these factors shall only worsen the situations. Techniques to keep your mind focused on the positives should be practiced. Yoga and mindfulness techniques shall surely help the purpose.


Physical exercises provide solution to a lot of issues; sexual issues are one of them. Exercises of pelvic muscles will help in providing them with the required strength and will help combat the issues. Relaxing and tightening the muscles will help the body and you to understand the mechanism.

Therapies and Counselling

At times the issue is worsened by stressing out and deducing negative results. In such a case seeking medical help in the form of therapies and counseling can be effective. The counselor shall remove the fear and help address the issue. He shall also provide you with advices and ways to reduce the problems of PE and ED.

Medicines for Erectile Dysfunction

Keeping in view your situation along with your individual and medical history; a professional will recommend you the best medicine to use. Viagra, Levitra, Avanafil and Cialis are the available options. Using the medicines as prescribed will not only provide you with a fulfilling experience but also help in boosting your morale and self-esteem.

Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and Avanafil are all available in Australia. You can buy them physically or order kamagra oral jelly from online pharmacies for free delivery in Australia.

Medicines for Premature Ejaculation

In case if the remedies and techniques along with resolving ED doesn’t solve the PE problem. You can get PE medicines prescribed from the specialist. This medicine helps the user in extending the expulsion time.

Priligy or Dapoxetine is the first widely available such medicine which helps in combatting PE. A standard version of the medicine is available. The medicine should be taken 2 to 3 hours before physical sex. It has a success rate of almost 80%. It increases the supply of such chemicals in the body which eventually help in extending the ejaculation time. The side effects of the medicine include:

  • Headaches

  • Dizziness

  • Nausea

  • Diarrhea

Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunctions are problems encountered by many men. Proper communication, professional help and confidence in one self can help the person combat the issues with ease along with experiencing a happy and satisfied life.