Next.js 10: Ready To Deliver Never Before Boost to Performance

When it comes to server-side rendering and building static sites, Next.js is considered one of the best javascript development technologies so far. Within just a short time expanding a little over a couple of years, Next.js has received huge attention and popularity.

Recently, the framework received great updates through Next.js 9.3 and Next.js 9.4 releases. But even a bigger update was just waiting for the framework and on Oct. 27 the Next.js 10 arrived with several great new features and capabilities such as image optimization, performance boost, integrated analytics and new internationalization capabilities.

Next.js 10 has been announced at the annual Next.js virtual conference, facilitated by Vercel, the leading commercial vendor and contributors to Next.js development.  Next.js based upon ReactJS library is one of the most powerful open source web development frameworks

Many experts a few years ago predicted Next.js to be the epitome of the React Javascript revolution that was in the making. In this year, the leaders and the key developers behind the new Next.js just remembered the journey of the framework through twists and turns. According to the leading minds behind Next.js, React was basically created to build components while Next.js appeared to develop full web pages.

The principal objective of Next.js since its inception has always been to find ways to make the best off open web and build, preview and ship pages. No wonder, many leading brands around the world including Lyft, Apple, Hulu, TikTok, Twitch, etc already adopted the Next.js model. 

A Bounty of Value Additions

For any Front-end Development Company, the framework is ideal for versatile capabilities. Next.js is also the first hybrid development framework with unmatched scalability. Next.js framework fulfills the requirements of both static and dynamic websites as well as web applications.

The capability of Next.js to generate static websites incrementally is perfect for the users looking for a well equipped static generator. Next.js allows adding literally an infinite number of web pages and updating all of them later without needing to rebuild the entire website.

Next.js offers awesome capability to leverage React Javascript to ensure optimum collaboration and flexibility and this led to the popularity of the framework in developing websites with large audiences. To build large scale websites you can Hire Onsite Developers from leading web and app development companies.

Now with the new Next.js 10 update, the framework goes out of its course with never before value additions. Here let's take a look at the key value propositions of Next.js framework.

Next.js Analytics

Google now has come up with Web Vitals which is more like an advanced version of the old PageRank and the move is likely to give more emphasis on the optimisation of website performance for search ranks. This is where the web developers can get a lot of help from the Next.js 10 analytics feature. A lot of data driven insights on areas to improve a website performance can deliver a great help to the developers.

Automatic Image Optimization

Next.js 10 offers developers a good replacement of the underperforming legacy HTML and image stacks of the browser supporting just a single image size and image type. With the Next.js 10 image optimisation feature developers are now able to replace old HTML image types and size with a more dynamic image component to satisfy a wide variety of requirements.

Improved and Enhanced Internationalization

Next.js 10 offers unmatched internationalized routing and offers the developer teams very specific pathways to allow translation into multiple languages instead of depending upon DIY approaches. The enhanced international language support feature can also automatically determine the specific content to serve to the visitors as per the language preferences of the users.

Next.js Commerce

Vercel, the principal contributor farm to Next.js, has already a partnership with BigCommerce and together they developed and released Next.js Commerce. This comes as an open source e-commerce platform with unmatched performance, scope of personalization and customization and immersive user experience. Most importantly, it can easily utilise and implement various components of e-commerce sites.

Image Optimization Deserves More Discussion

Among the most important improvements in Next.js 10 has been the new Image Component capable of boosting the speed of image delivery for all sorts of web applications.

Just because images are more space consuming and they often grab half of the memory footprint of every web page, they seriously can harm the website performance and loading speed to a great extent. Next.js 10 offers a conclusive solution to this.

The best thing about the new image optimisation is that the Next.js Image Component ensures automatic lazy loading of images. This allows rendering an image just when users want to see them. This provides a relief from the memory load created from the website images and thus can boost website performance.

Another key issue concerning the images that Next.js is handling is about using the right-sized image for rendering on the screens. According to the experts, Next.js Image Component can automatically create the right sizes to be accommodated in different size requirements.

Monitoring the Performance of Web Vitals

Another crucial value addition to the Next.js 10 is the integrated inbuilt analytics to monitor performance. The module called Next.js Analytics can track all important popularity called as Web Vitals.

Web Vitals are critical metrics capable to monitor the loading speed, responsiveness and user interface stability of the websites. The perceived loading speed refers to the amount of time required for displaying a web page on the screen. The page responsiveness, another major web vital is all about tracking the time between clicking on a button or link or menu option and seeing the resulting responses on the screen. Lastly, visual stability refers to the frequency of changes in all the design elements and visuals.


So, here we are after explaining the power of Next.js 10 as the latest update of the popular framework. The framework is highly capable of enhancing the web developers output with standalone capabilities and with the latest version it literally offers the very best in web development now.